Sunday, March 28, 2010

6 months old

Can you believe it has been 6 months since this little angel has been born? I can't!! Marlee is the best baby ever. She is always so happy and smiley. She is also super sweet. It is true she is 6 months old. I don't know how much she weights. We haven't had her 6 month check up yet but she is still long and skinny. She can still fit into some 3 month clothing but she is mostly in 6 month clothing. Here are a few things about our growing girl.

* She no longer needs to be swaddled. I thought it was going to be a scary transition but she really did it all on her own. It is so much not to do any more too!!

* She just recently (about 2 weeks ago) started sleeping through the night. That's right and it is so awesome!!

*She is starting to sit on her own. She can do it for several minutes at a time but that's about it.

* She is talking more and more! She doesn't really laugh.

* She loves watching Your Baby Can Read videos. She always gets the biggest smile when you start it.

*She loves music, any type of music. It is really funny because music will be playing on a commercial and she'll stop what she is doing and start watching TV.

* She also loves solid foods. So far we have tried bananas, apples and avocados. She did not like the avocados as you can tell in the last picture.

* Marlee loves giving hugs and kisses when you get her from her nap. She will grab each side of your face and then plant a open mouth kiss on your cheek. It is so cute.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I can't believe she's 6 months already! I swear time speeds up once you start having kids.